9 Jun 2015
Backup and Restore SVN repository on CentOS/RHEL
By Anuket Jain On 9 June 2015 In Linux
This is entirely very simple and important task. SVN backup and restore is valuable when you need to move your repos to new server or you have to recover your data. I expect here that you have
8 Jun 2015
How to configure SVN Server(Subversion) with LDAP Authentication on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 8 June 2015 In Linux
More organizations are utilizing directory services for lodging their user credentials and data. Example directory services are Active Directory, eDirectory and OpenLDAP. Starting now, the best way to use your directory services for verification is by utilizing
6 Jun 2015
How to configure SVN Server(Subversion )on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 6 June 2015 In Linux
Subversion is a version and revision control framework utilized by engineers to track and keep up prior version of their source codes. Subversion oversees file and directory, and the changes made to them, over time.This allow you
5 Jun 2015
How to upgrade SVN Client on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 5 June 2015 In Linux
If you get the error like “This client is too old to work with working copy” when you use svn client,it means you need a newer svn client. This tutorial will help you to install Subversion 1.7
4 Jun 2015
How to Install Apache Solr 3.4.0 on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 4 June 2015 In Linux
Solr is the well known, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its significant elements incorporate intense full-content search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich record (e.g., Word, PDF)
3 Jun 2015
How to handle deleted files in GIT
Git – Very useful and latest version control system. Now a days we use git for version control. Sometimes we stuck in error when we face following case 1) I have created new file and commited &
2 Jun 2015
How to install Vembu StoreGrid Server 4.4.1 on CentOS/RHEL & Ubuntu
By Anuket Jain On 2 June 2015 In Backup Tool
Vembu StoreGrid is a to a great degree flexible Backup Software that works with your Existing Hardware ! StoreGrid actually makes a storage grid network from free space on your system. Case in point, on the off
2 Jun 2015
How to install Vembu StoreGrid Server 4.4.1 on Windows
By Anuket Jain On 2 June 2015 In Windows
Vembu Technologies offers a scope of server backup and recovery solutions, including server backup, disaster recovery, online backup, remote backup and website backup. The server backup and recovery software is perfect with various stages, including Windows, Linux,
1 Jun 2015
How to install VMware Player 7.1 on CentOS/RHEL & Ubuntu
By Anuket Jain On 1 June 2015 In Linux
VMware Player is a free desktop application that help you to run a multiple virtual machine on your machine. VMware Player includes features that let you arrange virtual machines for ideal execution and advantage of host machine
31 May 2015
How to install Moodle 2.9 on CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5
By Anuket Jain On 31 May 2015 In Linux
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free open-source learning management system or e-Learning platform, that makes it easy for you to provide online support for your course. Moodle provides a place where you can easily