How to install Apache Ant on CentOS
Apache Ant is an open-source tool for robotizing Java project build process. Like how the make utility forms an executable from source code and libraries utilizing a Makefile, Apache Ant build a Java project from its source code and libraries by utilizing a comparative XML file. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for example C or C++ applications. All the more by and large, Ant can be utilized to pilot any sort of procedure which can be depicted as far as targets and task.
JAVA is the first necessity for Apache Ant establishment. Verify you have JAVA SE 6 or Later form introduced in your framework. Utilization taking after summon to check in the event that you have java introduced as of now on your framework.
# java -version
java version "1.7.0_71" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u71-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)
Install Java 8 on CentOS/RHEL
Install Java 7 on CentOS/RHEL
At that point feel free to introduce Apache Ant, utilizing its binary distribution from the official Apache site.
# cd /opt # wget # tar zxvf apache-ant-1.9.4-bin.tar.gz # mv /opt/apache-ant-1.9.4-bin /opt/ant
You then need to set up ANT_HOME environment variable, and include Ant binary in your path, as takes after.
# sh -c 'echo ANT_HOME=/opt/ant >> /etc/environment' # ln -s /opt/ant/bin/ant /usr/bin/ant
Finally, verify the version of Apache Ant using following command:
# ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.4 compiled on April 29 2014
I hope with this tutorial you will successfully installed Apache Ant on your server.