Author Archive

3 Apr 2019

How to install Apache CouchDB on CentOS/RHEL 7/6

CouchDB is an open-source database, and was first released in 2005 and later became an Apache Software Foundation project in 2008. Apache CouchDB is document-oriented database with NoSQL, it’s mean that there is no schema, tables, rows
31 Mar 2019

How to Install and Configure Monit on CentOS/RHEL 7/6

Monit is an opensource monitoring tool which helps you to monitor the system process for the Linux operating system. In other words, Monit is a tool for managing and monitoring processes, filesystem, files, directories, etc. Below are
28 Mar 2019

How to Install iRedMail Mail Server on CentOS/RHEL 7/6

iRedMail is open source mail server on Linux server. iRedMail gives numerous features, for example, it is totally safe and secure as the entirety of its components is open source. Your security is totally ensured as the
22 Mar 2019


Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free open-source learning management system or e-Learning platform, that makes it easy for you to provide online support for your course. Moodle provides a place where you can easily
19 Mar 2019

How to Install and Configuration Fail2Ban on CentOS/RHEL/Ubuntu

Fail2ban is a very useful application for the system administrator. It is very helpful to make your server more secure. Fail2Ban scan logs file and has the ability to ban IP’s which is malicious based on the
18 Mar 2019

How to Change MySQL Password Policy Level on Linux

MySQL version 5.6.6 comes with a new security plugin called Password Validation Plugin. The validate_password plugin test password strength and improve security. Sometimes while changing the password you got the error “ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does
18 Mar 2019

How to Install and Configure Ansible on CentOS 7

Ansible is an open-source automation tool. Ansible can help you on the platform, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and provisioning. It is very simple to setup and more powerful tool. In other words, it frees up
18 Mar 2019

Understanding Playbooks in Ansible

Ansible is a configuration management tool that automates the configuration on bunch of servers by the use of playbooks. Ansible plays are written in YAML. YAML stands for Yet Another Markup Language. Ansible playbook is the file
16 Mar 2019

How to Install and Configure FreeIPA Server on CentOS/RHEL 7

FreeIPA is a free and open source identity management tool and project has been sponsored by Red Hat. FreeIPA manage Linux servers and authenticate, like Microsoft Active Directory and LDAP. In other words you can manage user
16 Mar 2019

Ansible Ad hoc Command Introduction

Ansible Ad hoc command is very easy to understand the basic on Ansible. Ad hoc command helps you to perform small tasks on group of servers. Tasks like reboot, restart any service, change file permission etc on