Author Archive
29 Apr 2015
Install Solr 5.2.1 on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 29 April 2015 In Linux
Apache Solr is a fast search platform from the open source Apache Lucene project. Where Lucene is a powerful search engine framework, Solr includes an http-wrapper around Lucene so it’s ready-to-use out of the box. Features include
27 Apr 2015
oDesk JavaScript Test
1) What is the final value of the variable bar in the following code? var foo = 9; bar = 5; (function() { var foo = 2; bar= 1; }()) bar = bar + foo; (Answer) bar
27 Apr 2015
Convert HTML to PDF and Image on CentOS 5/6/7
By Anuket Jain On 27 April 2015 In Linux
wkhtmltopdf and also wkhtmltoimage are usually get series tools for you to give HTML directly into PDF and also different picture codecs. wkhtmltopdf can put a number of physical objects in to the output file. A item
26 Apr 2015
Basic Examples of ElasticSearch Uses
By Anuket Jain On 26 April 2015 In Linux
Following examples of ElasticSearch will help to add, get and search data in ElasticSearch. Creating Bucket: curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/mybucket Output: {"acknowledged":true} Adding Data to ElasticSearch: Use following commands to add some data in ElasticSearch. Command 1: curl
26 Apr 2015
Install ElasticSearch on CentOS/RHEL
By Anuket Jain On 26 April 2015 In Linux
ElasticSearch is adaptable and capable open source, dispersed ongoing pursuit and explanatory motor. Utilizing a basic arrangement of APIs, it gives the capacity to full-content hunt. A versatile inquiry is uninhibitedly accessible under the Apache 2 permit,
24 Apr 2015
Convert html document to PDF on Ubuntu
By Anuket Jain On 24 April 2015 In Linux
wkhtmltopdf, a program capable of converting html documents into PDF documents.wkhtmltopdf is able to put several objects into the output file, an object is either a single webpage, a cover webpage or a table of content. The
24 Apr 2015
Mysql Commands for CentOS/RHEL
By Anuket Jain On 24 April 2015 In Database
MySQL is a uninhibitedly accessible open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most prevalent dialect for including, getting to and overseeing substance in a database. It is most
24 Apr 2015
Re-Index Magento Data via SSH
By Anuket Jain On 24 April 2015 In Linux
All Magento information can be reindexed through the Magento Index Management area in the administrator board. On the other hand, at times the reindexing methodology times out and does not finish. So there is another, quicker approach
23 Apr 2015
Install Sharedance on CentOS/RHEL
By Anuket Jain On 23 April 2015 In Linux
So as to store the information, Sharedance needs an unfilled registry regardless. As a matter of course, it will pick/tmp/sharedance, however you’re unequivocally urged to change this. In case you’re not wanting to store gigantic information and
21 Apr 2015
Install Sharedance using source code
By Anuket Jain On 21 April 2015 In Linux
Sharedance is a high-performance server in which centralizes ephemeral key/data twos on out of the way website hosts, without worrying about overhead as well as the difficulty of the SQL databases. It was largely meant to talk