Ago function in PHP
We always required time ago in our website. Here we have function for the same. You can enjoy with the embed in your website. Example of Ago function in PHP as below
$datetime = '2015-07-31 22:00:00'; $time = strtotime($datetime); echo time_ago($time);
function time_ago($time='') { $ago_suffix = "ago"; $time_frame = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade"); $time_length = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10"); $now = time(); $time_diff = $now - $time; for($j = 0; $time_diff >= $time_length[$j] && $j < count($time_length)-1; $j++) { $time_diff /= $time_length[$j]; } $time_diff = round($time_diff); if($time_diff != 1) { $time_frame[$j].= "s"; } return $time_diff." ".$time_frame[$j]." ".$ago_suffix; }
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